Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It Is Time

You may have become the victim of that claustrophobic feeling that the world is only getting smaller, when traveling to another country becomes second nature, or when a friend is just a text message away. It's only a matter of time when you feel as if no matter where you are, it's hard to disconnect. Technology has made it impossible not to stay in the loop or be able to keep in touch with others. But once you find yourself without these luxuries, that we may take for granted, we come to realize what an important role it all plays in our daily lives. I often wonder how we managed to live without cell phones back in the day.

That being said I also feel i'm in the future being 13 hrs ahead of Boston time. Even though time is man made it's what keeps the world organized, and without it who knows what Flavor Flav would 've done.

I wish I had a picture to upload, but i'm at a PC 방 drinking green tea without my pictures. It's time for a beer. Funny thing how Budweiser starts to taste good after drinking nothing but Korean beer. ^^

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