"Teacher, phone number give me!" "No, sorry I don't have one." "He has a slide phone I saw it!" Damn, they didn't buy it. "Teacherrr, phone number pleeaaseu." It was obvious that my only way out of this predicament would be to oblige to their continual requests for my phone number. I was considereing it, but I knew I was crazy for even entertaining the idea of sharing my number with students. I can only imagine the horror that would ensue after the fact. I reached into my pocket lightly gripping my cell phone, panicked and feeling slightly claustrophobic I gave in. Kind of. "Okay!" The yelling and screaming subsides and I begin. "010-xxx-xxxx."
I wasn't giving the 11 year olds enough credit. I thought by giving a fake number i'd be able to swindle my way out of this sticky situation. I was wrong. One of the students begins dialing the number right in front of me not giving one inch of space between us. On the receiving end you hear, "Yoboseyo? Yoboseyo?(Hello? Hello?)" Then a student chimes in, "Nuguseyo?(Who is this?)" I immediately reached over and pushed the cancel button. Thinking back to the many victims of my childhood when I would ingnorantly prank call random numbers. I cleared the air immediately. "That is not my number! Ani Ani (No, No)" I manage to buldoze my way through the children as they left dissapointed and angry.
There may or may not be a lesson to be learned here. I'm sure the students only learned that I am a lier. As for me I've realized I will never again underestimate the capabilities or perserverence of my 4th grade girls.
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