Monday, August 31, 2009

Been Busy

That coupled with no Internet in my apt has forced me to leave my blog on the back burner. I have to resort to the PC rooms or my office computer. My apartment doesn't feel complete w/o Internet. I definitely rely too heavily on the Internet that I feel lost w/o it. Even when accessible elsewhere not having it at my place is unacceptable to me.

I went to the immigration office today after work to apply for my ARC (alien registration card). I expected at most 5-7 days for processing, but because of the influx of applicants it's going to take 2 weeks. Without this card I cannot get internet. Criminy. Why am I complaining about this. I have better things to do...right?

Anyway, everything is moving so fast theres a lot to think about like my new job, new co-workers, new home/culture, and new friends. Korea is a great place to live and I can't say enough good things about it. Lets see if I feel the same way after a few months teaching 10-13 year old kids.

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